Magenta theater is an independent non-profit organization funded primarily by donations. We are incrediby grateful for the continued support we receive from our community and the following friends of Magenta:
memorial funds
(Honoring Loved Ones)
In Memory of Pam Hereford
In Honor - Cindy Kidder
In Honor - June and Dennis Stevenson, Leeds Arts Center, UK
(Contribution of $1,000+)
Cinda Connelly
Mellie Hock
Tony and Amy Provenzola
Davidson & Associates
Liz Grauer
Mary Thomas
KC Cooper & Jim Hart
Mark McCollum and Stacen Tyskiewicz
(Contribution of $500+)
David and Sharon Houck
Esther John
Ray and Lisa Alexander
Scott and Sherry Brookshire
Stephen Early and Mary Shepard
Steve and Katie Goodwin
Tanya Gray
The Mocks
Vancouver Real Estate Photography
Jeffrey Hereford
Gina and David George
Gail Czech
(Contribution of $250+)
Beverly Vogler
Elizabeth West
Realvest Corporation
Rebecca Hoffman
Steve Thalberg
Virginia Lensing
Ken Spurlock
Kristen Bennett
Nancy Kingston
Nancy Townend
Sherri Adams
Stephanie Green
Matt and Jennifer Thoreson
Glen and Mindy Rees
Peter and Patti Wonderly
(Contribution of $100+)
Barbara Marzean
Carole Palmer
Chad Harvison
Chris and Jennifer Gilbert
Elizabeth Peters
Jacqueline Allen-Bond
Jayne Liu
Jennifer Long
Linda Wallers
Karen Hobbs
Lori Comstock
Marcella Laasch
Marj Casswell and Walter Griffith
Martha Hancock
Mary Ann & Dan Edelstein
Nancy Goering
Robert Baughman and Karen Johannes
Susan Ford
Teri Mccrary
Tim Crookham
Carol Johnson
Heather Greiff
Connie Barringer
Doug and Gail Tuck
Jason Litts
Kay Jamison
Lauren Scher
Marilyn and Larry Bone
Supporting player
(All Other Donations)
Alice Tanzillo
Alicia Turvin
Alison Wilcox
Angela Wall
Arnolds Dyer
Barbara Woods
Brenda and George Baker
Brentt Leao
Brian Stone
Brien Patterson
Carl Steinwachs
Carl Thor
Carol Smasal
Carol Swoyer
Cindy Dix
Claudia Steinberg
Damon Apelt
Daniel Pape
Danyelle Lowden
Davis Evans
Dorinda Toner
Eduardo Parilla Perez
Emily Campbell
Fred Knittle
Grant Verbeck
Irene Mills
Jane Couchman
Jeff Kassel
Jessica Derakhshandeh
Jessica Jazdzewski
John Moeller
Johnee Bennett
Joyce Tobias
Jules Radkins
Julie Davis
Kathleen Murphy
Kelly Smith
Kendall Lyom
Kjirsten Abbott
Knittle Family
Kory Loucks-Powell
Kouvr Donaldson
Laura Henderson
Laurie Robertson
Linda and Dean Black
Lisa Taylor
Lori Peterman
Lynn Posselt
Marie Andrus
Doug and Marie Newport
Mark Peting
Mary Berg
Mary E Lewis
Mary Webster
Mary Lou Rischar
Melody Lester
Michael Kenny
Mickey Murphy
Miranda Belsher
Nancy Anderson
Pamela Garlett
Patrick Kibbie
Patti Duthie
Paul & Caitlin
Pawel Rempala
Randy Adams
Rene Daeda
Robert Gread
Ronald Morrison
Ronna Anderson
Sandra Daller
Sheila David
Shelley Sage
Stephanie Barrow
Stephanie Green
Steve Rasmussen
T and C Cecka
Teresa Huddleston
Thandiwe Curtis-Gibson
The Skrivaneks
Timothy and Tammie
Ty and Dana Brown
Victoria Russell
Violeta Almasan
Wendy Dittrich
William Hanley
William Evans
Wilton Roberts