Audition Notice:
Silent Sky
Written by Lauren Gunderson
Directed by Pat Nims
Date: January 6th, 7-9:30
Call backs January 13th, 7-9:30
Audition details:
Please prepare a 1 min comedic monologue. If you do not have a monologue, we will have several to choose from. We are looking for your ability to bring a character to life. Accents are noted but are not necessary for audition purposes.
Please bring: resume and headshot (non-professional is fine!)
Callbacks will be selected sides from the play
March 18,19,20,22, 25,26,27,29
April 1,2,3,8,9,10,12,15,16,17,19,22,23,24,26,27,28,29, 30
May 1, 6(pick up)
(Weekdays 7:00-10:00pm, Saturdays 10-4 Sunday 2:30-7:30 unless otherwise noted)
Show dates:
May 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18
Sundays 2:00pm showtime
Thursday -Saturday 7:30pm showtime
Character Breakdown:
Henrietta (Henri) Leavitt: 30’s brilliant, meticulous, excited-almost always, hearing impaired.
Margaret Leavitt: 30’s homebody, creative, sweet, sister to Henri.
Peter Shaw: 30’s head astronomer’s Apprentice, ‘the man'.
Annie Cannon: 40’s leader, terse and sure, grows into a firebrand.
Williamina (Will) Fleming: 50’s smart as a whip, fun, Scottish.
Fine Print:
All roles are volunteer only. There is no pay.
Magenta Theater is committed to an authentic, transparent community that celebrates all people. All auditioners are considered for all characters without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender assigned at birth, or the presence of a medical condition or handicap unless otherwise contractually obligated by licensing agreements.
If you have any questions, please contact board member